Author: Bill
Budget for a 75 Year-Old Woman
Here’s a real budget for a 75 Year-Old woman. I rounded the numbers so they were a bit more understandable. The property insurance, car insurance are split out over 12 months even though they are not paid every month, just when they’re due, once and twice annually. Her assets include (rounded of course): Home –…
What You Need To Know About Annuities
Subtitle: We’re Goin’ To Hawaii!! What are Annuities? – An Annuity is an investment typically used for retirement. They are sold by institutions like insurance companies. They invest your money for you and in return pay a steady stream of income at a later point in your life. What are Variable Annuities? – A Variable…
How To Open A Roth IRA
Here’s how to open a Roth IRA with $250.00. Go to Action 3 – Invest in a Roth IRA and follow the instructions. You might want to eventually transfer your Roth IRA over to a brokerage firm like Charles Schwab or TD Ameritrade when you’ve accumulated quite a bit (thousands of dollars) in your Roth…
Big Trucks, Small Parking Lot
When you have a big fund it’s harder for the fund manager to maneuver. For example, a pretty darn good fund in the Fidelity family of funds is the Contrafund. However, it’s become rather large at greater than 70 billion dollars in assets. So, the fund becomes representative of the market. If the market goes…
What To Do
Over at The Simple Dollar there’s a great discussion on Figuring Out A Debt Strategy After The Home Purchase and I wanted to weigh in on the comments but didn’t know if my comment was too long or what. So here it is below. Basically there’s discussion on what Trent wants to do now with…
What’s Inside
So there’s some folks in my life who always ask me, “What stocks are in that mutual fund you’re talking about?” I remember asking this question myself a long time ago when I didn’t know what the heck mutual funds were. When you first understand what mutual funds are sometimes there’s a feeling of “gee,…
The Latest Financial News
When purchasing mutual funds don’t let the covers direct you. Scenario: You’re standing in line at the grocery store or you’re at the bookstore and there it is in big bold letters – “THE BEST FUNDS TO INVEST IN NOW!!“. You buy the magazine and read a bit about the top performing funds and then…
[Smart Saving and Investing] Comment: “FeedBurner”
New comment on your post #65 “FeedBurner” Author : Bill (IP: , E-mail : URL : Whois : Comment: Well, it looks like I finally got the FeedBurner stuff pegged out. Pretty cool and kind of easy. You can see all comments on this post here: To delete this…
Risk Tolerance
Risk Tolerance is what allows you to sleep at night. Imagine how you would feel if your Roth IRA had $500,000.00 and you lost 10% in one day. So let’s say on Monday you check your Roth IRA value and you see a big fat $500,000.00 in your account, then on Tuesday you see $450,000.00.…