Category: Retirement
What Does Retirement Look Like For You?
Do you have a plan? Do you have a financial plan? Do you have financial goals? Do you have any goals? π What do you want to be worth when you’re 30 years old, 40 years old, 50 years old, etc.? What do you want to be doing with the rest of your life or…
What is a SIMPLE IRA?
A family member of mine will be reviewing what it will take to participate in her employer’s SIMPLE IRA soon. So what do we know about the SIMPLE IRA? The SIMPLE part is Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers. The SIMPLE IRA is a retirement plan for small businesses with less than…
Budget for a 75 Year-Old Woman
Here’s a real budget for a 75 Year-Old woman. I rounded the numbers so they were a bit more understandable. The property insurance, car insurance are split out over 12 months even though they are not paid every month, just when they’re due, once and twice annually. Her assets include (rounded of course): Home –…
What You Need To Know About Annuities
Subtitle: We’re Goin’ To Hawaii!! What are Annuities? – An Annuity is an investment typically used for retirement. They are sold by institutions like insurance companies. They invest your money for you and in return pay a steady stream of income at a later point in your life. What are Variable Annuities? – A Variable…
You Don’t Have to Wait
Recently I was listening to someone talk about, “I have to wait until I save up tens of thousands of dollars so I can get help from a money manager to invest in the right mutual funds.” No you don’t. There was a time when you’d take very little money into a money manager and…